Train The Trainer - integral approach

Based on the Integral Model we launched in 2011 an advanced course called: Trainer the Trainer (TIT™) Program. This Program integrates the best components of both conventional and alternative approaches to education into a fuller, wider, deeper, more transformative educational space, honoring each and yet transcending the limits of both. This allows trainers to continually transform themselves, create multidimensional training curriculums, serve their customers and participate compassionately with others, supporting the health and dynamism of global systems.

The growth increases through integration and balance, so we look for certain balance between the development and integrity and promote a conscious, harmonious and steadily developing in the space of ME-WE-SYSTEM. This educational space has at least four irreducible, equally important included in multiple ways dimensions: subjective experience, objective behaviour, intersubjective culture, and interobjective systems. Each of these four dimensions has depth and complexity that develops over time. This involves understanding the complex relationship between the capacity to take multiple perspectives, to interact in meaningful ways with others, and to engage in world-centric ethical action.
In this terms the Train-the-Trainer Program is a unique training program for educators that brings the experience of instructors and participants together with the modern developments in the field of positive psychology, neuroscience and the most effective methods aimed at learning both cognitive and affective as well as the action-oriented ones. In this way the teacher, the students, and the classroom engage in transformative processes through various practices of awareness, interaction, and organisation.

TIT™ Program is about finding our own passion and mission as an educator, in order to create a unique personal learning style. It is about how to manage ourselves and our resources in the most optimal way, in order to make meaningful contact with the group and build the most favourable conditions for accelerated learning. It is about the most effective formats and effective trainer tools in order to create our own unique learning space. It is a fascinating adventure with ourselves and our positive emotions and motivation, meaningful goals and satisfying work.

The Train-the-Trainer Program:

  • includes approaches to education from biological, neurological, societal, cultural, psychological, and spiritual fields of study;
  • involves considering the individual and collective aspects of teachers and students, as well as the interior and exterior modes of experience and reality;
  • considers the many developmental lines in a human being – cognitive, emotional, somatic, interpersonal, artistic, moral, spiritual and others;
  • understands that these lines evolve in stages, or levels, such as pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional, and that each human being passes through these levels and cannot skip any one;
  • also acknowledges the importance for an individual’s development and motivation of  states of consciousness;
  • Lastly, it considers types, people’s enduring tendencies and inclinations towards, for example, introversion or extroversion; agency or communion; and orderliness or spontaneity.
The Train-The-Integral-Trainer Program is based on the holistic and integrated approach to values education for human development, which recognises the connectedness of mind, body and spirit. It means that we pay attention to the physical, personal, social, emotional and spiritual development of us and of our students as well as of cognitive aspects of learning. We see both our students and ourselves as integrated and interconnected. We recognise learning as a social activity, value collaborative learning and community participation as well as connections to the natural world.
This Program emerges from a commitment to peace, which as a process begins with the development of inner peace in the minds and hearts of individuals engaged in the search for truth, knowledge and understanding of each other’s cultures and the appreciation of shared common values to achieve a better future for all of us.
But it all starts with AQAL simple elements in the contours of your own consciousness…

Course Content:

Participant's Information:

COURSE FORMAT: e-learning online course. 
  • Sign in to Classroom at
  • On the homepage, click: Add Class
  • Enter the code and click: Join.

LENGHT: 10 modules
EFFORT: 5-6 hours per module
PRICE: 999,00 EUR for 1 year access
TRAINER: Dr. Anna Storck

more information at:
